
The problems we encounter
As an industry with a huge inertia – figuratively and literally – sustainability in the design, execution, construction, usage, and ultimately the end-of-life is a slow but certain emerging dimension. With continued advancement, near and dear to us, we believe in constant technical improvements in our processes and help our clients achieve the same. Sensitive to the issues at hand, an outlook for the future and strong foundation on our core values, Ambicore has aligned itself to become the premier consulting partner in the construction industry – helping our clients transform their construction and architectural ideas into reality.
The solutions we offer
Our consultants and employees, ambitiously and industriously, strive to perform and add value to your real-estate portfolios. By working with our real-estate partners in management, optimization, and benchmarking of their existing and future undertakings, we have developed efficient and long-term strategies based on innovative technologies, and are set to lead the sector with a young and dynamic consulting style.

Why us?
With an unresting desire for improvement and sustainability, we are in constant flux of change and development – evolving with the time and the needs of our clients. Technology, in essence, reflects the same dynamism. Hence, we see ourselves as perfect fit for consulting for innovative and disruptive technologies.
What are we doing?
In pursuit of this, we have extended our services to battery storage development, battery repurposing and recycling. With our already established relationships with companies developing these technologies, we have established a strong footing for consulting for various technologies and accelerating the change in sustainable, effective and efficient manner.

Energy & Mobilty
Changing with time – always in motion
Ambicore already has an established presence in the energy sector, especially in the mobility niche. Our insights into the industry and our standing as a trustworthy partner is our key strength. We are actively engaged in diversifying our services portfolio to align ourselves better with the needs of climate protection and sustainability.
We have worked extensively with compressed natural gas equipment and fuel marketing services – positioning us perfectly for the transition into the next era of mobility, whether it be electric, hydrogen or biofuels. We intent on becoming the primary driver of change in the sector, by leveraging our position as a dependable partner and pressing on the competition to transition to better business models in the mobility sector.
Our long-standing vision to be the leader in every vector, every niche, that we operate in, and our team’s unyielding commitment to deliver with the best of our abilities, is a virtue that we cherish and promote at Ambicore, in all of our interactions and among our peers. Allow us to be a partner in your success!